Monday, September 30, 2013

"Justin and the Knights of Valour"

"Justin and the Knights of Valour", the very high quality Spanish production I worked on for a few months before I moved to USA is already at the theaters (in Europe for now). Go and watch it!!
I'm really proud of my ex co-workers, they really have done a great job. Looks beautiful!

Here a small drawing of Justin to celebrate it...

"Justin y la Espada del Valor" ya esta en los cines de varios paises. Tuve la suerte de trabajar durante unos meses en esta produccion  antes de venirme a vivir a L.A. 
Estoy flipando con la calidad visual que han conseguido mis excompaneros de Kandor Graphics, con muchisimo esfuerzo y talento.
Asi que ya sabeis, al cine a verla echando ostias!!

Dejo un dibujete del Justin para celebrarlo....

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