En fin, la cosa es que desde pequeno siempre que he visto esta peli, he fantaseado con las azafatas de la nave orbital y las posibilidades de la "gravedad cero"..., asi que le he dado la satisfacion al nino que hay en mi de plasmar esta fantasia y homenajear Kubrick al mismo tiempo....Va por ti Stanley!!!
The other day I have the oportunity to see "2001 A Space Odyssey" on a big screen. Its a wonderful movie to enjoy in a theatre. I always has been amazed how many futuristic ideas Kubrick show us on his movie...Skype, AI, Ipads, Podcast,etc...but even with that i always has been confused when on the shot where we can see the image of the earth, it looks so "strange"; years later someone told me that the movie was relased one year before the Nasa took the first picture of the earth from the space....amazing. Whatever,... since I was a kid I always wanted to draw the space ship hostess with a failure with the artificial gravity machine...