Friday, July 27, 2012
Finally VACATIONS !!!!!
Vacaciones por fin!!!! Para Spain que me voy a cargarme las pilas, que bien falta me hace; y asi poder volver otra vez con ganas de dar lo mejor de mi en Hollywood... Nos vemos por Iberia gente!!!!
Finally Vacations!! I'll go to spain and relax enjoying all those things that I miss from there; I also will try to fill back the energies I need to come back to Hollywood and keept working hard. Fiesta!!!! Guacamole!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Film Noir
Me flipa este genero; tanto las pelis como los carteles de las mismas. Que tiempos aquellos, en los que los personajes de nuestras peliculas se pasaban las horas fumando, bebiendo whisky a palo seco, apostando en clubs nocturnos, o soltando algun sopapo que otro a Rita Hepburn o cualquiera de las grandes bellezas de esa epoca dorada para tranquilizarlas. Hollywood, metete la saga "Twilight" por el culo, y devuelvenos tu epoca dorada...
Aqui dejo una ilustracion inspirada en este genero; y abajo algunos bocetillos previos.
I really love this genre; the movies but also the wonderful covers and posters. What a great age, where our characters were smoking all the time , drinking whisky, gambling in illegal night clubs, or slapping beauties as Rita Hepburn in the face, for example, to try to calm her down.
Here I posted this ilustration inspired in this genre; and some early scketches.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Two years in America.....
Joder, como pasa el tiempo.... hace ya dos anos que me vine a California a trabajar como Story artist en Dreamworks. Miro hacia atras y la verdad es que aunque ha sido duro al principio, ahora estoy la mar de agusto adaptado ya practicamente a este nuevo mundo y a sus costumbres. Aunque aun me sigue sin gustar cosas como la crema de cacahuete o el beisbol...pero bueno, tampoco me molaba la sobrasada o el futbol alli donde el Rajoy.

Time goes so fast.... I came two years ago to America to work as story artist at Dreamworks, and now I look back and even if it was hard at the beginning, now I'm almost adapted to this new world and its culture; even if I still don't like the peanut butter or the baseball....
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Music !!
Siempre me ha molado mucho la musica, desde chiquitillo; pero una cosa es disfrutarla y otra saber tocarla. Empece probando con la guitarra que dicen es facil,...y despues de varios meses intentandolo solo conseguia tocar "el patio de mi casa" y algun acorde de Nivana. Mas tarde mis amigos me regalaron un Casio, pense que al ser como un mando de play pero con mogollon de botones no tendria dificultad en pillarle el truco,..una mierda. Luego me pille una ocarina, con la excusa de mi fanatismo con el Zelda;...pero tampoco, demasiado agujericos. Ahora estoy con el triangulo, y esta vez si creo que he dado con mi instrumento; aun me cuesta no creas, pero bueno algo suena, seria mas facil si tuviera un vertice menos y fuera mas en plan un palo.
Asi que como musico frustrado aqui dejo deste dibujillo, basado en my hermana; y como disfruta cuando toca la mata de envidia.
I always have enjoyed music, since I was a child, but one thing is to enjoy it and other thing is to play it. I started experimenting with the guitar because people says is easy ... and after several months trying it I only succeeded in playing a few Nirvana notes . Later my friends gave me an electronic piano, a Casio, I thought it would be like play a Ps3 controller but with much more buttons. .. its not. Then I started to try with an ocarina, ... no way, to many holes. Now I am with the triangle, and this time I think I've finally found my instrument, but I still belive that it would be easier if it have a vertex less, more like an stick; three vertex is too hard.
So as a frustrated musician I have done this drawing based on my sister and how she enjoys when she plays the guitar ... I have envy of her.
So as a frustrated musician I have done this drawing based on my sister and how she enjoys when she plays the guitar ... I have envy of her.
Monday, July 2, 2012
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